R&D Support

R&D Support
Helping you to develop the products of tomorrow together
Application Lab
The goal of the Bensdorp Cocoa Application Laboratory is to develop high-performing cocoa powders that match your food applications perfectly. It features a laboratory for cocoa powder product testing and applications work; and enables us to develop cocoa powders with unrivaled properties. Together with you, our application team seeks the ideal formula, cocoa composition, application possibilities and flavor profile that meet your specific needs exactly.

Cocoa Powder Pilot Line

We have equipped our R&D centers with a state-of-the-art pilot line with which we can simulate the cocoa production processes that take place on the actual production lines in your factory. This allows us to experiment with new ingredients, test and evaluate your new products in small batches and offer you innovative cocoa powder solutions. And once your recipe is optimized, you can start production on a large scale in complete confidence.
Collaborative Research
Being engaged in an open and interactive innovation initiative has led Bensdorp to establish durable partnerships with scientific and industrial bodies on a large number of projects. To help developing new cocoa processing technologies and inventing the cocoa products of tomorrow, we are able to call upon the top skills of:
- High schools and universities for fundamental research
- Private and public bodies, laboratories and technical platforms
- Large industrial groups and ingredients suppliers