Madagascar orange cake

Madagascar: the cradle of some of the world's most extraordinary flavours. Our Single Origin Chocolate Madagascar is one of them: it has sweet with fruity flavours yet also an intense cocoa taste. This cake balances sweetness (in the compote) with spiciness (in the ganache) and strong cocoa flavours (in the cake and glaze). 


Created by
  • Mathieu Dierinck - Callebaut® chef - CHOCOLATE ACADEMY™ centre Belgium

Orange compote

ingredients preparation
  • Q.S.
  • 490g

Boil oranges for 20 minutes and then dice them.

  • 490g
    caster sugar
  • 15g
    lemon juice

Add and leave to rest in refrigerator for 24 hours. Boil to 104°C.

Almond Chocolate Cake

ingredients preparation
  • 430g
  • 210g
    egg yolks
  • 150g
    whole egg(s)

Mix together. 

  • 250g
    egg white
  • 200g
    caster sugar

Whip together. 

  • 130g
  • 100g

Melt together and mix in part of the egg white mixture to obtain a smooth mass. Then mix into the almond mixture.

  • 100g
    A.P. flour
  • 6g
    baking powder
  • 50g
    cocoa powder

Mix into previous mixture, followed by the remaining egg white mixture.

Orange compote (1:5 ratio to the whole cake batter) Mix in, pour into cake moulds and bake at 170°C for 40 to 45 minutes. 

Spicy Madagascar Ganache

ingredients preparation
  • 448g
  • 5g
    star anise
  • 5g
    dried cloves

Heat together, cover with a lid and leave to infuse at ambient temperature for 4 hours. Then sieve.

  • 54g
    powdered glucose
  • 54g
    invert sugar

Add to previous mixture and heat up to 60°C.

  • 336g

Pour previous mixture onto chocolate and emulsify. Bring down to 40°C. 

  • 99g

Soften and mix in.

Cocoa Nib Glaze

ingredients preparation
  • 740g

Melt at 45°C.

  • 250g
    sunflower oil
  • 400g

Add and mix well.

  • 250g

Mix in. 

Finishing and assembly:

Place the almond chocolate cake on its side and cut it lengthwise into three pieces. Cover the bottom piece with a layer of spicy Madagascar ganache, place the second piece of cake on top and cover it with another layer of spicy Madagascar ganache. Then place the third piece of the cake on top and cover the whole with cocoa nib glaze. Finish by decorating the cake to the taste.