The freshest nuts

The freshest nuts
The unrivalled taste of La Morella Nuts
Besides the skills to preserve all the natural subtleties of each nut, la Morella nuts dedicates a lot of attention and know-how to maximizing the fresh taste of its nut products. Every step in the process after the harvest, from storing the nuts to packaging, adds to preserving that legendary fresh nut taste.

The source of fresh nut taste
The story about fresh nut taste starts when a nut has fully ripened and the tree is ready to share it with the world. Closely collaborating with only a fine selection of orchards all over the world, La Morella nuts sees to it that all nut growers pick the nuts from the ground immediately after they have fallen from the trees. Although the shell protects the nuts inside from moist, every day is crucial to preserve the best in the nut.
Preserving all nature’s goodness
After harvesting, farmers bring the nuts to collection centers and nut crackers who store them for no longer than one season in special concrete ‘bunkers’.
Only in the best conditions the nuts are kept in their shells – away from light, humidity or temperature changes.
In this way the taste, aromas and rich essential oils of the nuts stay protected to preserve maximum natural flavors and properties.

Timing is crucial after shelling the nuts
Once shelled, nuts quickly tend to lose their main qualities. That’s why crackers only shell the nuts just before shipment to la Morella nuts. When nuts are shelled overseas, they are vacuum packed, to make sure they preserve their natural properties during transportation. At arrival, the nuts are processed immediately in the production facilities of la Morella nuts.
New ways of nut roasting preserve the fresh, natural flavors
The nuts are roasted in a state-of-the-art oven that immediately cools the nuts after roasting to ambient temperature. This unique roasting technology was developed by la Morella nuts to let all the flavors of the nuts come out, and at the same time preserve as much as possible of its natural and subtle fresh flavors.

Made to order to guarantee the ultimate fresh taste
Once shelled, la Morella nuts are delivered and leave Reus within 24 hours. This is the best way to guarantee nut products that still have all the original, natural qualities.