Cheesecake Bar

Cheesecake mousse

ingredients preparation
  • 260g
    Philadelphia type cream cheese
  • 65g
    granulated sugar
  • 39g
  • 3g
    silver gelatin leaves
  • 84g
    sour cream
  • 195g
    whipped cream

Bloom gelatin sheets in ice cold water.
Warm milk and melt the gelatin leaves in it.
Whip cream cheese & sugar.
Add sour cream then the milk & gelatin mix.
Fold in the soft whipped cream.
Place in a piping bag. Keep in a cooler until ready to use.

Graham sable

ingredients preparation
  • 50g
    powdered sugar
  • 170g
    softened butter
  • 100g
    Marcona almonds
  • 2g
    sea salt
  • 40g
    whole egg(s)
  • 140g
    Graham flour
  • 100g
    all-purpose flour

Grind the almonds with powdered sugar in a food processor.
Add butter & eggs.
Make a creamy emulsion then incorporate flours & salt.
Process mix only until thoroughly mixed.
Frasage the dough three times.
Wrap in plastic and keep in a cooler for 2 hours.
Bake at 325° C for 15 minutes.

Strawberry balsamic compote

ingredients preparation
  • 300g
    strawberry puree
  • 70g
  • 25g
    balsamic vinegar
  • 100g
  • 6g
    NH pectin
  • 1g
    citric acid powder

Mix the sugar with the pectin.
In a pot, mix puree, vinegar, & water. Warm to 40° C.
Add pectin mix and stir very well.
Bring to a strong boil for 1 minute.
Add citric acid and cool down on a silpat.
Hand blend before using.


Start with very clean molds.
Spray white and red cocoa butter in desired pattern along log snacking molds.
Place in the fridge for 10 minutes.
Let the molds go back to 18° C and make shells with tempered Cacao Barry Zéphyr 34% white chocolate.


Pipe cheesecake mousse into mold.
Pipe balsamic compote afterwards.
Finish with graham sable.
Close with tempered Cacao Barry Zéphyr 34% white chocolate.

TECHNICAL TIPS: knowing the aw

AW (activity of the water) is an essential value, and it will give us a hint of the shelf life or durability of a product.

Water contained in food can be tied or free. Measuring AW will let us know if there’s free water in a product. Free water is the water available for microorganisms to live and reproduce.

The AW value can be measured in a device called an AW meter. The value is measured on a scale from 0 (no free water) to 1 (pure water).



1.00 - 0.95 - 1 to 2 weeks
0.95 - 0.91 - 2 to 3 weeks
0.90 - 0.87 - 2 to 4 weeks
0.86 - 0.80 - 3 to 6 weeks
0.80 - 0.75 - 5 to 15 weeks
0.74 - 0.65 - 12 to 20 weeks
0.64 - 0.60 - 15 to 30 weeks
0.5              - 15 to 50 weeks