Our commitment to source the highest quality cocoa beans

Our global presence has taught us where to source premium cocoa bean crops and locate the most dedicated cocoa farmers. And we do all of this with only one goal in mind: to share the best of this beautiful cocoa crop with you transforming cocoa beans into the cocoa powders of highest quality.

Partnering with local cocoa farmers.

If Bensdorp is your premium cocoa powder, then it can only be because our deep passion for cocoa has led us straight to the source: there where the cocoa bean is grown. And in our quest for the finest cocoa powders, we have been partnering up with West African cocoa farming communities to grow cocoa according to the best agricultural practices and latest cultivation techniques.

Cocoa farming

High quality fermentation

The cultivation of cocoa requires a special climate mostly found in the equatorial region from Central and South America to Africa and Indonesia. Once harvested, our West African cocoa farmers extract the cocoa beans from their pods together with the white pulp enveloping them and prepare them for fermentation.

Cocoa bean fresh
cocoa farmers

West African cocoa farmers are world-famous for their legendary cocoa fermentation technique. The fermentation level of their cocoa beans is exceptional. And the flavor precursors it creates, develop into a heavenly chocolate taste and delightful cocoa aromas during our signature small-batch roasting process.

On-site grading to select nothing but the best cocoa

Our extensive cocoa network and local presence in West Africa allow us to work with nothing but top-grade cocoa beans. Before being shipped for processing, we grade the cocoa beans on-site on the basis of multiple tests.

Dedication to source nothing but the best quality cocoa beans.
Dedication to source nothing but the best quality cocoa beans.

One of them is a cut test applied on the cocoa beans, which reveals the presence of certain imperfections that may cause off-flavors and indicates the degree of fermentation. Doing this with an ever-vigilant eye enables us to offer you cocoa powder with a constant premium quality.

Read more About Bensdorp

Discover our premium Origin Cocoa Powders