BC LIVE | Virtual Commodity
Roadshow 2021

cacao fruit pods laying on leaves

BC LIVE | Virtual Commodity
Roadshow 2021

BC LIVE: Virtual Commodity Roadshow 2021

As part of our continued digital series, the Commodity Roadshow 2021 from Barry Callebaut will take place virtually.

During our annual commodity roadshow, our industry experts will provide exclusive updates on the cocoa commodity and non-cocoa ingredient (dairy, sugar, fats/oils) commodity markets. This event focuses on helping commodity buyers learn more about these key markets to reduce their price risk while maximizing opportunity. 

Interested in attending?

Please contact your Barry Callebaut Sales Manager for more information. 

Don't miss this commodity and purchasing event!

sack of cocoa beans surrounded by cocoa butter, cocoa powder, and cocoa liquor

Day 1: Cocoa Market Insights

November 16th, 2021 - 12pm - 1pm CST

Stay tuned for more details, including agenda and speakers. 

Note: This Virtual event requires official registration. Please contact your BC salesperson. 

three images by side - sugar, milk, oil

Day 2: Non-Cocoa Ingredient Market Insights

November 17th, 2021 - 12pm - 1pm CST

Stay tuned for more details, including agenda and speakers. 

Note: This Virtual event requires official registration. Please contact your BC salesperson. 

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