Wholesome choice

Wholesome product choices

Wholesome choice

Discover our 4 TASTY and GOOD wholesome choices. We offer sweet solutions, free from product solutions, an organic product range and nutrient enriched chocolates and compounds to make more healthy and nutritious products.

Globally, governments are driving people to more health awareness and encourage the use of healthier solutions. This has led to consumers showing a strong preference for foods that are healthier and nourishing.
To stay ahead of the game, Barry Callebaut now offers 4 different wholesome solution platforms for chocolate, compound, cocoa and nut products, thanks to its long-standing innovation wholesome program. Discover here our tasty and good wholesome choices.

  1.  Sugar Reduction Solutions
  2.  Free From Solutions
  3. Make them organic
  4. Let the goodness stand out
Sweet Solutions - Wholesome Choice

Sweet solutions

Reduce the baddies by using our sweet solutions and address your consumers’ sugar related concerns. You can opt for gradual, partial or full sugar replacement while still having a great chocolate taste.


special dietary solutions wholesome choiche

Free From Solutions

Use our ingredients that are dairy-free or vegan to give an alternative for intolerances, allergies or lifestyle choices. Consumers that prefer or require a gluten-free or nut-free diet should be able to enjoy great tasting chocolate combined with health benefits and Barry Callebaut offers those solutions.

Make Them Organic - Wholesome Choice

Make them organic

Organic products are very well perceived by consumers, for their freshness and authenticity. What’s fresh, authentic and natural can only taste great.

Let the goodness stand out - Wholesome Choice

Let the goodies stand out

Focus on super-foods and ingredients that are naturally rich in goodness. These super-foods are inherently good and immediately give a healthier perception. Consumers truly enjoy and believe in the goodness of these ingredients. ​​​​