These Easter trends stole the show in baked goods:
1. Color is key
Say goodbye to the dark, cold winter and welcome the sun! Easter, Pascha and Passover are not just important religious celebrations, but also the moment for many to celebrate the return of spring. This is best done with the many colors that nature treats us to, not only the traditional yellow we most associate with Easter, but a lot of blue, pink, green and purple as well!
2. Traditional treats
Lots of consumers are longing for recognizable, traditional treats as to make them feel more comfortable. Traditional treats such as a Russian Kulich, an Italian Colomba Pasquale, a Simnel cake, a Spanish la Mona de Pasqua, a Polish Babka Wielkanocna, there’s something from every country or region. For Easter, they were all more colorful and decorated, as if everyone could use a little bit of spring, a new beginning.
3. A healthy Easter
Consumers have their health at the forefront of their mind, but that does not mean they won’t be celebrating with foods! Whether these are healthy foods with an Easter make-over, an increased vegan or plant-based offering, creative new concepts, or free-from products for a moment of indulgent snacking, there’s something for every health-conscious consumer!
4. Easter baking at home
Home baking is a beloved activity for many consumers as they still spend more time in their homes than before. It’s a convenient way to spend quality time and celebrate with the family - which is more important than ever. Consumers are looking for inspiration how to have fun with their family, especially if they have kids.