Cocoa Horizons

Cocoa Horizons
In order to help shape a sustainable cocoa and chocolate future, Barry Callebaut established the Cocoa Horizons Foundation as a means to scale impact and drive on-the-ground change in cocoa growing communities. The Foundation collaborates with farmers to understand and address the challenges that can prevent them from having decent livelihoods, driving the next generation away from cocoa farming.
To drive cocoa farmer prosperity, create self-sustaining farming communities, and achieve real progress, the Cocoa Horizons Foundation’s impact based approach targets funds toward the most impactful activities that achieve meaningful change across three key areas: productivity, community, and environment.
These activities will enable farmers to lift themselves out of poverty, eradicate child labor, and result in a deforestation-free cocoa supply chain.
Barry Callebaut sells HORIZONS cocoa and chocolate products with a premium that goes in full to the Cocoa Horizons Foundation in order to support sustainable cocoa activities. Customers can leverage Cocoa Horizons tools in their marketing, to communicate their participation in sustainable cocoa cultivation to their consumers.