Follow The White Rabbit Frappé

Pioneer frozen drinks with 5 colours of ground chocolate.

A drink that tastes like it comes straight outof your best and most delicious dreams.


Created by
  • Nir Chouchana - Barista

Follow The White Rabbit Frappé

ingredienti preparazione
  • 35g
  • 150ml
    latte di mandorla
  • pizzico
    sciroppo di menta
  • 1cucchiaio(i)
    fior di latte ice cream
  • g
    Whipped cream with carrot juice

1. Prepare a chocolate dome (white + ruby chocolate).

2. Slightly melt the top of the Mona Lisa White Chocolate Truffle Shells and stick to the dome.

3. Mix the Van Houten Ground White Chocolate with the milk and stir.

4. Pour into a blender.

5. Add a dash of mint syrup, ice cream and ice cubes. Blend.

6. Pour into the dome.

7. Syphon the whipped cream on top.

8. Decorate with 2 mint leaves.