
& Inclusions
Plated dessert with various chocolate decorations and sprinkles


& Inclusions
A finishing touch.
Our chocolate decorations are available in various shapes, types and sizes, so you'll always have a perfect addition to your bakes and pastries, confectionery, or ice cream and desserts.
Caramel tarts with a chocolate seal with "Caramel" print

Chocolate plaques, chocolate shapes and chocolate shells

Are our favorite ways to personalize any sweet creation, such as chocolate cakes, indulgent desserts and sweet pastries. That's why we design everything ourselves and use the best paints for our chocolate decorations and that's why we support the Cocoa Horizons Foundation with our chocolate. Our team of in-house designers creates a new range of chocolate decorations multiple times per year. This means that we always have a chocolate decoration for every occasion, trend and season! 

Purely chocolate

We love chocolate in all shapes, sizes and prints, as well as on its own. Next to an ever-increasing selection of chocolate decorations with prints made from natural origin, we have also debuted a new range of Chocolate Originals chocolate decorations. These unique chocolate decorations are made from nothing but chocolate, without use of paints or colorants. The Chocolate Originals are really unique in design and finish! 

Chocolate originals plaques on little bombes
Colored cake pops with sprinkles

Top it off

As much as we love chocolate, we have some additional delights to sprinkle over your creations as well! Our colored marzipan crunches are an elegant addition to bakes and pastries, and a fun decoration for chocolate tablets and pralines too. We also have some sugar and fruit crunches which add color, flavor and texture all at once! 

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Take a look at Decorations & Inclusions

Le Serpentines di cioccolato bianco e fondente al 100% (larg. 22 mm) regalano un tocco di classe ai tuoi dessert. Le proponiamo in diverse misure e volteggi e regalano quindi a qualsiasi dolce un look fatto a mano.

Le coppette rettangolari con cioccolato di copertura fondente (lung. 105, larg. 30, alt. 24 mm) sono la definizione della raffinatezza. La forma, semplice ma moderna, si adatta a qualsiasi gusto e farcitura ed esalta magnificamente dolci e dessert.

Le eleganti mini Snobinettes al cioccolato fondente (diam. 23, alt. 21 mm) sono perfette per creare dei deliziosi bocconcini dolci. Con le coppette le possibilità sono davvero infinite: si possono farcire con ganache, creme, mousse, caramelli o gelati e poi dargli un tocco finale con le proprie decorazioni preferite. Tutto è possibile: basta liberare la fantasia!
Le eleganti Snobinettes al cioccolato (diam. 23, alt. 26 mm) sono perfette per creare dei deliziosi bocconcini dolci. Con le coppette le possibilità sono davvero infinite: si possono farcire con ganache, creme, mousse, caramelli o gelati e poi dargli un tocco finale con le proprie decorazioni preferite. Tutto è possibile: basta liberare la fantasia!