Get updated on Cocoa Horizons’ progress to scale impact and drive change for growth

Get updated on Cocoa Horizons’ progress to scale impact and drive change for growth
To scale impact & drive change in cocoa-growing communities, we established the Cocoa Horizons Foundation. After 5 years, the recently published mid-year report shows the program is on a clear growth path: registered farmers, beans delivered, the number of farm business plans, women's involvement, farmers surveyed - all KPIs increased.
The Cocoa Horizons Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Switzerland and established by Barry Callebaut to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers and their communities through the promotion of sustainable, entrepreneurial farming, improved productivity, and community development. The impact driven program focuses its activities on cocoa farmer prosperity and helping build self-sustaining farming communities that protect nature and children.
View our latest Cocoa Snapshot for more information on our progress to date.