Ruby & Matcha Dome


ingredientes preparo
  • 150g
    gemas de ovo
  • 100g
  • 150g
  • 100g
    clara de ovo
  • 75g
  • 40g
  • 25g

Cream the egg yolk, egg and Nussfix. Whisk the egg white and sugar into peaks. Sift the cocoa powder and starch. Alternately fold the beaten egg whites into the mixture. Then spread onto baking paper at about 8 mm thickness. Bake at 180°C (fan oven) for approx. 12–15 minutes. Cut out the round shape.

Matcha Gianduja

ingredientes preparo
  • 7g
    Pó de Chá Verde Matcha
  • 20g
  • 25g
  • 90g

Mix praline with Matcha powder and liquid couverture and use to fill silicone hemisphere moulds (Ø 3 cm). Deep-freeze.

Lime Foam

ingredientes preparo
  • 250g
  • 125g
    açúcar em pó
  • 10g
    gelatina de folhas

Stir the lime juice and icing sugar together. Dissolve the leaf gelatine with a small amount of the mixture, combine and whip. Add mixture to silicone hemisphere moulds (Ø 3 cm) and deep-freeze immediately.

Redcurrant Mousse

ingredientes preparo
  • 100g
  • 100g
    clara de ovo
  • 8g
    gelatina de folhas
  • 100g
  • 340g
    Redcurrant Purée
  • 340g

Heat the sugar and egg white to approx. 50°C and beat lightly. Dissolve the softened gelatine with water and stir it in. Whip again. Melt the couverture and mix together with the redcurrant purée. Alternately fold in the whipped cream and beaten egg whites.


Dress a little mousse in the silicone mold. Put each hemisphere of Matcha Gianduja together with lime foam and press into the mold. Fill up with mousse and finish with the sponge cake. Freeze. Spray in a frozen state with a mix (70:30) of cocoa butter and Ruby couverture, in order to achieve a velvet effect.

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