History of Carma from our Swiss chocolate masters

Carl Maentler, a passionate entrepreneur, founds Carma in Zurich, using his apartment as office and production plant

Carl Maentler relocates from Zurich to Dübendorf, where our production facilities are still based to this day and date.
Along with its 30th anniversary, Carma is one of the first Swiss brands to enter the Asian market.
Carma increases its production capacity further and launches new products, one of which is the famous Massa Ticino™ Sugarpaste - a sugar-based covering for cakes.

With the integration of Carma into Barry Callebaut, Carma becomes a truly global brand. Our legendary Swiss chocolate masters’ craftsmanship enhances Barry Callebaut’s competence and portfolio in the international market.
73 years after Carl Maentler moved away to Dübendorf, Carma relocates sales, marketing and administration back to Zurich, joining the headquarters of the Barry Callebaut Group.
Carma’s couverture “Milk Claire” receives a gold medal from the acclaimed “Accademia Maestria Pasticceri Italiani” for the “World’s Best Milk Chocolate”.
Carma launches nine exciting new Massa Ticino™ Sugarpaste colours together with The Colour Mixing Guide allowing you to create over 60 unique shades.


Carma launches the creamy caramel couverture “Gold Quintin 31%”. Its natural colour and flavour derive from caramelised milk, and not from added caramel.
Carma couvertures are now offered with Halal- and Kosher certifications.

Carma launches the blackest couverture on the market: “Black Zabuye 83%”. In the same year “Milk Ecuador 42%” is launched, consisting of only 3 ingredients: fine origin rare cocoa, Swiss milk and Swiss caster sugar.
Barry Callebaut releases the biggest innovation since white chocolate in 1930: the fourth chocolate type, ruby. With “Ruby Azalina™ 40%” Carma brings their own Swiss ruby chocolate to the market.


Carma establishes a new partnership with Mooh - Swiss milk producers cooperative and launches projects to reduce the CO2 footprint in the Swiss milk production. Carma officially sources 100% sustainable ingredients for its couvertures.
Carma introduces a new, contemporary design and relaunches all couverture packaging.