Golden Martini

Shaken or stirred? Discover a drink as elegant as the people who order it.

Trends & insights: - The quest for a superior experience. - Craving a perfect fit.

Golden Martini

配料 配料
  • Ice cubes
  • 2
    Coffee liquor
  • 4
  • 2
    Van Houten Ground Dark Chocolate ganache
  • 12
    Double Cream
  • 3
    Van Houten Ground Gold Chocolate ganache
  • 2汤匙

1. Pour the ice, the coffee liquor, the vodka and the dark ganache in a tumbler. Stir.

2. Pour the cream, the gold ganache and the olive oil in a shaker. Shake for 10 to 15 seconds.

3. Pour the cocktail into a Martini glass.

4. Top with the golden foam from the shaker.

Van Houten Ground Gold Chocolate ganache

配料 配料

1. Pour the hot water in a plastic bowl.

2. Add Van Houten Ground Gold Chocolate and stir gently.

3. Cover the bowl and store in fridge for 12 hours.

4. Take out of the fridge 30-60 minutes before use.

5. Blend with a spatula.

6. Pour into a squeeze bottle and use!

Van Houten Ground Dark Chocolate ganache

配料 配料

1. Pour the hot water in a plastic bowl.

2. Add Van Houten Ground Dark Chocolate and stir gently.

3. Cover the bowl and store in fridge for 12 hours.

4. Take out of the fridge 30-60 minutes before use.

5. Blend with a spatula.

6. Pour into a squeeze bottle and use!
