Decorations to bring out the best in every chef

Decorations to bring out the best in every chef

The story started in the USA with a chef... And his cup
"Wouldn't it be great if chefs could buy ready - made
chocolate shavings?", pastry chef Peter thought one
early morning. It would become the start of a bigger
idea. Because a few years later, after having moved
to Hendersonville (NC), he started dreaming about
the ultimate chocolate cup: beautifully crafted, with
multiple petals and in different chocolate colours...
Leonardo Da Vinci brought the answer
One night, Peter woke up – dreaming about
Leonardo Da Vinci. Just like Da Vinci, Peter
realised he had to combine art, science and
technology to create his cup and bring it to
other chefs in the world. And so, the Tulip
Cup was born.
As a tribute to Da Vinci and his world renowned
painting, Mona Lisa is all about being your source of
inspiration to bring extraordinary detail into desserts
and pastries.

Mona Lisa, your muse
Like an artist's muse, Mona Lisa will be your pulse in
trends on colour, art, design and so much more.
We'll regularly update you on everything that can
inspire you to bring out the artist in you.