Source: Ben & Jerry's
Chocolate Cookie Enlightenment, part of Ben & Jerry’s new Moo-phoria line of ice creams, is delicious and indulgent at only 160 calories per serving.
Better-For-You Ice Cream
Consumers seem to be looking for an alibi to reach for that ice cream indulgence. Of course, the greatest example of this in recent years was Halo Top which saw a 462% compound annual growth rate 2013-20181.
And following their success, other brands have launched their own versions of the low calorie, “good source of protein” treat that gives consumers “permission” to enjoy an entire pint in one sitting.
In fact, in a Barry Callebaut consumer research study, 73% of North American consumers agreed with the following:
“Ice cream containing chocolate needs to be tasty & good for me.”2
4 Trends Impacting the "Better-For-You" Ice Cream Market

Source: Breyers
Made with real cocoa, Breyers Delights is a creamy low-fat chocolate ice cream with only 270 calories and 20 grams of protein per pint.
1. Adding Protein
Furthermore, Innova Market Insights looked at the top claims for dessert & ice cream launches tracked with cocoa or chocolate as an ingredient, and protein showed up in the top 5 for North America.3
Source: Enlightened
The Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream from Enlightened’s Keto Collection has only 1g of net carbs per serving.
2. Reducing Sugar
Reduced sugar options and pints that meet the requirements of the popular Keto diet are emerging as well. The brand Enlightened recently launched a new collection of ice creams specifically formulated for the Keto diet with only 1g of net carbs.

Source: Nana Creme
Brownie Nana Creme is an allergen-free ice cream made from a banana base and vegan, egg-free, and gluten-free brownies.
3. Free-From
Barry Callebaut also sees consumers switching to dairy free options, either for ethical concerns, or because they believe dairy free products to be healthier for them. “Free from” options in general continue to expand, and we even see ice cream pints that are free of the most common allergens.

Source: Halo Top
Halo Top Pops have only 50-60 calories per pop and are made with the same delicious ice cream found in their signature pints.
4. Snackification
Of course, the trend towards snackification is also influencing the ice cream category. With mini ice cream sandwiches, ice cream slices and mini novelty bars, smaller portion sizes allow consumers to feel less guilty about indulging. Halo Top recently launched their Halo Top Pops which only have 50 calories per pop.

Source: Peekaboo
Peekaboo’s organic chocolate ice cream contains hidden cauliflower, providing a high dose of vitamins and minerals in every bite.
Emerging Ideas for a Positive Impact on Health:
It is also interesting to look at ice cream new product launches which might be a bit more niche but could foreshadow what might be coming next in the world of healthy ice cream. Today’s consumers have become much more knowledgeable about ingredients and nutrition. They are not only looking for products that are “guilt free” but also products that include wholesome ingredients that will positively impact their wellbeing.
One example of this is a recent launch from a company called Peekaboo. Their products are described as “delicious, indulgent, and decadent, rich ice cream with hidden veggies in very bite.” Flavors include things like “Chocolate with Hidden Cauliflower” and “Mint Chip with Hidden Spinach.” We also see ice cream brands adding superfoods, vitamins & minerals, probiotics and even CBD to create a “healthy halo” around their products.
1Euromonitor Passport
2Barry Callebaut Benefit Territory Substantiation Research Fall 2018
3Innova Market Insights