BC LIVE: Top Chocolate Trends for 2021 and Beyond

chocolate bars with peppermint filling

BC LIVE: Top Chocolate Trends for 2021 and Beyond

charlotte green headshot

Charlotte Green

Market Segment Developer for Confectionery, North America

Charlotte Green joined Barry Callebaut in August 2019 as Market Segment Developer for Confectionery. In this role, she supports Confectionery customers with tools, consumer insights, and co-creation sessions. Previous to joining Barry Callebaut, she was Marketing Director at Pots & Co Desserts and Divine Chocolate. She started her career at Nestle, working in their UK confectionery division in category management and marketing on brands such as Kit Kat, Crunch, Aero, and After Eight. She is passionate about sustainability, having visited cocoa farms in Colombia and Ghana. Charlotte Green has a degree in Information Management from University College London.

chef gabrielle draper

Gabrielle Draper

Lead, R&D Technical Culinary Application

Gabrielle is a passionate and experienced pastry chef known for her love of bridging the worlds of pastry and food science. She is continuously innovating new ideas for customers and inspiring them to think outside the box. She loves to share her knowledge of chocolate with others in the industry and ignite a similar passion for chocolate in them. Gabrielle’s favorite part about the chocolate world is knowing there is science behind everything and there are still endless possibilities to create and inspire.

chef martin diez headshot

Martin Diez

Lead Chef FM and Confectionery

He is a world wide recognized chef for his creative mindset in confectionery, Ice cream and pastry.Martin is constantly traveling the world to give classes around his art and artwork which allows him to always discover new ingredients, meet chefs and experts. He loves to push the boundaries of his chocolate playground, pairing the most fascinating product (chocolate) with hundreds of rare and unique ingredients from all over the world.

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Elizabeth Clair

National Confectionery Sales Manager

Elizabeth Clair is Barry Callebaut's National Confectionery Sales Manager. She joined the Callebaut team in 2015 after spending several years in the foodservice industry. A strong supporter of career-focused education, she currently serves on the boards of National Confectioners Association’s The Confectionery Foundation, the National Confectionery Sales Association, and the Kettle Committee. She is also Chairman of the 2021 Western Candy Conference. Elizabeth is a member of the inaugural class (2016) of NCA’s Future Leadership Program and holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Stanford University.

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