Cocoa Horizons
Progress Report 2019/20

Cocoa Horizons
Progress Report 2019/20

Creating impact in cocoa farming communities
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Cocoa Horizons activities continued while respecting strict precautionary measures to protect employees, coaches and farmers. In addition, specific support was provided to the farming communities including distribution of soap, masks, water stations, sanitizers and information related to COVID-19. Some specific activities like soap manufacturing were carried out to respond to the sanitary needs and to help farming communities diversify their income.
This year, the Foundation concentrated its efforts on scaling up high-impact activities to drive change on its focus areas: prospering farmers, community and environment. The program is currently present in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, Brazil, Indonesia and was successfully introduced in Ecuador this year.
View the 2019/20 year-end snapshot to see all of the progress made.
The Cocoa Horizons Foundation
The Cocoa Horizons Foundation is a non-profit organization, third-party verified, highly transparent on premium and methodology, based in Switzerland and established by Barry Callebaut. It’s an impact-driven program with the vision to drive cocoa farmer prosperity by creating self-sustaining communities that protect nature and children.
Watch the video to learn more: