Image gallery

Barry Callebaut Group - Image Gallery

Image gallery

Welcome to Barry Callebaut's image gallery. We have prepared for you a variety of pictures, covering our Group's management, our business and products, and Barry Callebaut employees at work.

We stock a selected range of high-resolution images, including news and events, under a Creative Commons license in our Flickr photostream

Barry Callebaut

All about Barry Callebaut & chocolate

Board of Directors Barry Callebaut


Sustainability Barry Callebaut


Expansion Barry Callebaut


Innovation Barry Callebaut


Trade Fairs & Events Barry Callebaut

Trade Fairs & Events

People - Barry Callebaut


Video material on YouTube:

Are you looking for video material on the Barry Callebaut Group? We also have various interviews and short films available on our YouTube channel.

Barry Callebaut YouTube video
The YouTube channel of the Barry Callebaut Group hosts various videos about the company's business and products.

If you are looking for some specific material you cannot find on Flickr or YouTube, please contact us via [email protected].
