Bakery & Pastry

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The portfolio consists of much more than chocolate! We also have fillings, coatings, cocoa powders, and multi-sensorial sprinkles & inclusions such as chocolate sprinkles or biscuit sprinkles, and freshly roasted specialty nuts.
Browse through our product section to find out more about how to bring exciting flavours & textures.
At Barry Callebaut we try to understand what the end consumer wants when he is confronted with all the options in the supermarket shelves and is faced with a purchase decision.
What are the products benefits consumers are actively looking for? We are eager to know what the future of confectionery & bakery looks like. Which trends are there to stay? Will hyper indulgence make baked goods more appealing to consumers? Or should we be concerned with improving nutritional values in pursuit of a better nutriscore? We have a consumer & market insights team to answer exactly these questions.

Bakery & Pastry Products

Organic Milk Chocolate
Organic milk chocolate with 40% cacao.
Coco Niu, Milk Chocolate Sweetened with Coconut Sugar
Milk chocolate sweetened with coconut sugar.
Reduced Sugar Milk
Milk chocolate with 25% less sugar than it's standard recipe "Kenosha". With dietary fibers.
Van Leer Renny 3 Sugar Free Dark
Classic sugar free dark chocolate confectionery with a cocoa butter base. The sugars are replaced by maltitol to maintain a great taste while being sugar free.
Van Leer


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