Seung Yun Lee

Mood Food through the lens of Seung Yun Lee Pastry chef Singapore
Seung Yun Lee

Seung Yun Lee

Mood Food through the lens of Seung Yun Lee Pastry chef Singapore
Originally I'm from South Korea, now living and working in Singapore. The city's really vibrant and every part of it sets a different mood. Sometimes crazy and colourful. Other times rational and austere. I love to integrate that in my pastries. I love to play with flavours that work like mood enhancers. And the way a pastry looks and tastes should express that mood. It helps customers to pick a pastry based on how they feel or want to feel.
Seung Yun Lee

Colors represent the mood

Chef Seung Yun Lee talks about Mona Lisa
  • Flower bombs

    Flower bombs

    There's this really positive vibe about Singapore that makes you feel happy, and almost instantly fall in love with the city. The city architecture inspired me to create these pastries with fruity flavours and floral notes like rose, violets or hibiscus. These flower bombs should make you feel happy or feel like falling in love...
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    Tulipanes de primavera

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  • Brick Toys

    Juegos de construcción

    Los juegos de construcción me transportan a mi infancia y me evocan una felicidad desbordante. Así pues, busqué la inspiración en sus formas y colores para crear pasteles de distintos sabores, de distintos colores y que representan distintos estados de ánimo. El pastel rojo, con frutos rojos y una pizca de chile, es una bomba de energía. El azul, con arándanos azules, despierta tu lado más zen. Y el amarillo, elaborado con piña, mango y plátano, es un estallido de felicidad.